Written by Steve Renouf, Indigenous Partnerships Manager
As a proud Indigenous man when I was asked five years ago to develop and implement Aurizon's first Indigenous Employment and Engagement Strategy, it was a privilege and an honour.
Fast forward to 2015 and to be part of the team leading the company to develop its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is the 'icing on the cake'.
There's sometimes talk about the commitment of companies to RAP's and whether some are just "ticking a box" but I can honestly say that Aurizon has developed its first RAP because they are genuinely committed to reconciliation.
The RAP is a whole of company document signed off by our Managing Director & CEO Lance Hockridge and Reconciliation Australia CEO Justin Mohamed.
It is our commitment as a company to ensure that we do what is right for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through our actions in this document.
I'm proud to be part of a company that is serious about providing employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and improving relationships with the communities.