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Aurizon operates and manages Australia’s largest export coal rail network, the Central Queensland Coal Network. 

This 2,670 kilometre multi-user track network comprises of four major coal systems and one connecting system serving Queensland’s Bowen Basin coal region: Newlands, Goonyella, Blackwater and Moura with Goonyella Abbot Point Expansion the connecting system link.

Connecting more than 50 mines to five major export ports, plus many domestic consumers, the Central Queensland Coal Network is a pivotal component to Queensland’s coal industry.

Aurizon Network’s operations are governed by 99 year lease arrangements with the State of Queensland. Access to our rail network is managed under a detailed process approved by the competition regulator, the Queensland Competition Authority.

Access Seekers (including Miners and Rail Operators) can seek access to the rail network through the process set out in Aurizon Network’s Access Undertaking, which defines the regime for open access to our rail infrastructure.

Network Downloads

Documents include forms, guides, reports and plans in the operations of the network.


Network Customer Service Offering

'Get Access' is the first component of Network’s Customer Service Offering (CSO), and is a simple, plain English summary of the services that Aurizon Network provides to customers to enable them to get access to our track. 

We engaged with customers to understand the service areas that are most important to them and built a collaborative document that we can use to partner with customers and to manage their access to our network.

If you have any questions or feedback on the CSO 'Get Access', please contact your Customer Account Manager, or email 


Download here


Contact us

For more information on gaining access to the network, please contact the Commercial Services team on 13 23 32.

Or contact us online

Contact us


Get things done

  • Request & submit access online
  • Request a network closure
  • Manage invoices & payments
  • Access commercial agreements
  • Review Performance statistics


Central Queensland Coal Network (CQCN)

CQCN System Rules

The CQCN System Rules are a subsidiary document to the Access Undertaking, specifically Schedule G. They aim to provide transparency to Access Holders on the planning and scheduling decision making process and provide a framework for Aurizon Network to show capacity available across the entire CQCN.


  1. Application
  2. Review
  3. Negotiation
  4. Approval
  1. Application

    1. Step 1

      Download appropriate information

    2. Step 2

      Submit a Conceptual Operating Plan

    3. Step 3

      You receive a response from Aurizon Network

    Application for access to the rail network must be submitted in the format of an Access Application. Prior to submitting an Access Application, the Access Seeker may seek initial meetings with us to discuss the Access Application and to seek clarification of the process used.

    The Access Application must include information on the applicant, a general train service description, timetable requirements, Rollingstock details and any known infrastructure requirements.

    Once the information required has been received, we will provide a written acknowledgment of receipt of the access application.

  2. Review

    1. Step 4

      Your Conceptual Operation Plan is considered

    2. Step 5

      You receive an Indicative Access Proposal

    Aurizon will review the information received and assess the Access Application to develop an Indicative Access Proposal (IAP).

    The IAP outlines:

    • The Rollingstock and train configuration proposed
    • A summary of the relevant operating characteristics
    • An initial capacity assessment
    • Any other submitted Access Requests that if approved would effect the proposed train service
    • An initial estimate of the access charge applicable to the train service proposed
    • Details of additional information required in preparation for the negotiation stages

    The IAP contains indicative arrangements only and does not oblige Aurizon Network to provide access until an Access Agreement has been executed.

    The IAP remains valid for 90 days after the date the IAP is sent to the Access Seeker. The Access Seeker may accept or reject the IAP. When the IAP is accepted then the Access Application enters the Negotiation stage.

  3. Negotiation

    1. Step 6

      Advise if Indicative Access Proposal is acceptable

    2. Step 7

      Finalise all your obligations

    Negotiation begins with the acceptance of an IAP by the Access Seeker. At this stage the Access Seeker and Aurizon Network negotiate the details of the Access Request with the intention of executing an Access Agreement. The negotiation period is set a maximum period of 9 months.

    Negotiations will cease in the event of the following;

    • The execution of a Access Agreement in respect of the access sought by the Access Seeker
    • Aurizon Network receiving written notification by the Access Seeker that it no longer wishes to proceed with its Access Application
    • Aurizon Network issuing a Negotiation Cessation Notice to the Access Seeker
    • The expiration of the 9 months, although if both parties agree this 9 month period can be extended.
  4. Approval

    1. Step 8

      Aurizon Network prepares Access Agreement

    2. Step 9

      With Accreditation you sign the Access Agreement

    3. Step 10

      Start operating on the network

    Aurizon prepares an access agreement, and negotiates final terms and conditions with you. Once you have accreditation as a rail operator from Queensland Transport, sign the access agreement with Aurizon Network.

    Start operating on Aurizon rail network.

Application for access to the rail network must be submitted in the format of an Access Application. Prior to submitting an Access Application, the Access Seeker may seek initial meetings with us to discuss the Access Application and to seek clarification of the process used.

The Access Application must include information on the applicant, a general train service description, timetable requirements, Rollingstock details and any known infrastructure requirements.

Once the information required has been received, we will provide a written acknowledgment of receipt of the access application.


The Access Undertaking sets out the terms under which Aurizon Network provides access to the Central Queensland Coal Network. The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) approved Aurizon Network's 2017 Access Undertaking (UT5) on 19 December 2019. For more information on the Access Undertaking, please see

The Access Undertaking sets out Aurizon Network's obligations in regards to:

  • Ringfencing arrangements
  • Negotiation Framework
  • The development of Access Agreements
  • Pricing principles
  • The utilisation of network capacity
  • Reporting requirements

Maintaining our network

Owning and operating one of the world’s largest coal rail networks, Aurizon links more than 50 mines with three major ports across Queensland. Comprehensive track maintenance is required to ensure the network is safe, efficient and maintained in top condition.

Our extensive Asset Renewal and Maintenance Program includes ballast cleaning, a crucial part of maintaining a rail network vital to ensuring the safe, reliable and efficient delivery of coal from mine to port. 

The Aurizon RM 900 is the largest ballast cleaning consist in the southern hemisphere and the only consist of its size operating on narrow-gauge track. At over 800 metres long, with an overall mass close to 1600 tonnes, the RM 900 can cover up to one and a half kilometres in a 24 hour period - processing up to 900 cubic meters of ballast every hour.

Planning & Development

The Network Development Plan is Aurizon Network’s medium to long term planning document which sets out a range of options to increase the capacity of the CQCN.

The System Operating Parameters describe how the CQCN is modelled and the input parameters used to determine the capacity of the Network.