Tim Longstaff
Independent Non-Executive Director
Appointed 1 June 2023
Mr Longstaff’s over 35 year professional career brings a depth of experience in finance, accounting, strategy, acquisitions & divestments, debt and equity capital markets, risk management, and investor engagement amongst asset-intensive industrial companies.Tim qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse before a 25 year career in investment banking at first-tier global firms including JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank in Australia and internationally. In this time Tim was a strategic partner and advised the Boards and CEOs of leading Australian and global companies on transformational M&A and capital markets transactions.
More recently, Tim served as Senior Advisor to a Federal Cabinet Minister in the Trade and Investment and Finance portfolios. Through this experience he brings global geo-political perspectives and insights into transport and infrastructure policies, the workings of Government, and regulated assets.
Tim is a Non-Executive Director of the ASX-listed Ingham’s Group Limited, Perenti Limited and Nine Entertainment Co. Holdings Limited, and also of Snowy Hydro Limited and The George Institute for Global Health. He is a member of the Takeovers Panel.